I’ve finally realized the long-awaited journey to my nomadic family in Tsekog, Zekog or rtse khog (རྩེ་ཁོག Zeku). Rongwo Rongbo (རོང་བོ, Longwu), the Reb gong the Golden Valley, was where we started the trip.
Rongwo, the seat of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Tongren County, is an ancient town, the heart of renowned Rebgong or Reb gong culture. Reb gong is known for Tibetan literature, thangka paintings, spirituality, folk culture, and food. The Rebgong culture has long had a significant impact on far more than the Amdo region of Tibet. The cultural hub is located on the riverside with a pleasant climate. It’s home primarily to Tibetans but also Chinese Han, Muslims, Monguors, and Mongols.
Zekog is a nomadic county of Huangnan Tibet Autonomous Prefecture (རྨ་ལྷོ་བོད་རིགས་རང་སྐྱོང་ཁུལ།) in eastern Amdo. The elevation of rtse khog is 3700 meters above sea level, and it’s best known for its lush grassland and exotic animals, such as both wild and domesticated yaks.
Rtse khog is where my maternal grandmother was born. In fact, this breathtaking prairie is still home to a significant number of my relatives and being home to my beloved grandmother makes this corner of nomadic Tibet very special to me.
This trip was my first visit home without Grandma. Although it’s been two years since her passing, I miss her deeply when I see the gardens she established, and the kitchen utensils she used to cook comforting meals for us. That’s why I decided to make this very trip from Rongwo to Tsekog.
And nothing makes travel more enjoyable and memorable than the small moments when your own brother acts as chauffeur, and sisters, cousins, nieces, and nephew join the fun. Visiting the impressive landscape and animals, with loved ones, thus reconnecting with my nomadic roots made the journey very special for all us.

Beautiful pictures of an amazing place!
Amazing is the word. Thank you, Dunes.
Fabulous!!! Your writing is as excellent as your photography.
Jolma, thanks for sharing your reflections of your grandmother and photos of the countryside where you grew up. It’s beautiful!
Thank you, Doug. I felt quite emotional during this trip because of my close relationship with my late grandmother. And this is only beginning of the story.
[…] the gentle, consistent pain in my right ankle wouldn’t mean twisted and would disappear before my trip to my nomadic roots the following […]
I’m glad you could enjoy a wonderful visit with family remembering your grandmother. Such beautiful pictures and words about a beautiful place and people.
Annette – thank you so much for visiting Beyond Her Kitchen. My grandma was and still is dear to me.