
Celebration, Nature, Tibetan Culture

Tibet’s Summer Is Most Striking

The sky is blue, and the clouds are white. Drizzling nights and burning daytime sun, yet leaves you perfectly content. The rainy season cultivates wildflowers, mushrooms, and other vegetation that charm the plateau. The pedicularis (lousewort) flowers in cream and purple color, The meconopsis poppies and gentian in blue and white, And potentillas anserine (silverweeds) […]

Celebration, Tibetan Food

A Year to Celebrate

2017 was a year of change. My little family relocated from Madison, Wisconsin, to Vancouver, Washington and then finally across the river to Portland, Oregon. I’ve made changes before, moving from country to country, continent to continent, but never twice a year. Each move enabled me to meet new people, gain new perspectives, and experience […]