Tibet’s Summer Is Most Striking

The sky is blue, and the clouds are white.

Drizzling nights and burning daytime sun, yet leaves you perfectly content.

The rainy season cultivates wildflowers, mushrooms, and other vegetation that charm the plateau.

The pedicularis (lousewort) flowers in cream and purple color,

The meconopsis poppies and gentian in blue and white,

And potentillas anserine (silverweeds) in golden-yellow to only compose dramatic depictions of the landscape.

While the vast grassland and mountaintops bursting with blooms make it feel even more colorful and expansive, it’s the klu rol or lürol (ཀླུ་རོལ། shaman) makes the season — young people dancing large and high into the sky offerings to local deities for goodwill and protection makes the summer more exotic and celebratory.

And the ancient, mystical ceremony of Lürol and the flora of the today’s natural ecosystem don’t even begin to clash.

Like Lerol completing one village after another, the wildflowers gently fade into retirement mode, knowing they will reincarnate to grace Tibet’s summer again.


Until then, enjoy expressions of lürol from below links:

‘Klu rol’ (Lürol) Festival — Part I

‘Klu rol’ (lürol) Festival — Part II


  1. Jolma,
    Wonderful to see your gorgeous photography. You capture the joy of summer festival! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    • Hello Kate,

      Thank you for your kind words. The colorful and exotic Tibetan culture makes it easy to capture a nice picture or tell a good story.


    • Thank you for your kind words, Peggy.
      Tibetan culture is a colorful one, and it’s easy to share something interesting.
      Thanks again for stopping by.
      – Jolma

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